Want to learn Taiko from the Pros? Well here is your chance; beginner and intermediate workshops or ongoing classes, what's your speed!


Want to learn Taiko from the Pros? Well here is your chance; beginners and intermediate workshops or ongoing classes, what's your speed? Register early; classes need minimum enrolment to run! Registrants receive a confirmation email one week prior to Session date.

The TAIKO INTRO is for newcomers to the art form and the Uzume Taiko pedagogy. We will train in the basic taiko drum stroke, upright stance, drum stick grips, playing rhythms, taiko notation and drum rolls.
Cost $65.00 per 90-minute Session (includes taiko drumsticks rental).
Suitable for ages 14 yrs & up. Recommended for all participants before registering for the BASIC DRILLS Class.

The TAIKO SONG DRILLS class will focus on learning taiko song arrangements. We will train in the rhythms, choreography, soloing and musical styles from Uzume Taiko’s song repertoire.
Cost $ 80.00 per 4-Week Session and $ 100.00 per 5-Week Session. Suitable for ages 14 yrs & up.
PREREQUISITE: The TAIKO INTRO Session, BASIC DRILLS Sessions, or returning Uzume Taiko drum students with taiko drumming experience in foundation skills. Admission by permission from Instructor.

Private lessons on taiko drums, drum set and percussion are available. The class can either be a one-time introductory session or scheduled on an ongoing basis.

ZOOM taiko classes are available for people learning from home.

The Interactive Virtual Taiko Drumming Workshop will inspire people to Move and Make Music! The Program is suitable for K to Gr 12 students in schools, for at-home learning environments and for community celebration events. Artist-Residency Programs can be scheduled for daily or weekly lessons. Uzume Taiko Student taiko drum gear is available for rent in the Lower Mainland region.

The Uzume Taiko Drumming Basics Book is now available! This 30-page book is intended to provide the beginner taiko drummer necessary basic skills to allow them to pursue Taiko drumming.

Family Taiko Drum Workshop for ages 5+ yrs. with accompanying adult.
Cost: $40. - $60. + GST per person per 60-90 min. workshop

The BASIC DRILLS class will focus on developing foundation skills. We will train in drum sticking techniques, stances, taiko form and musicianship.
Cost $ 60.00 per 3-Week Session. Suitable for ages 14 yrs & up.
PREREQUISITE: The TAIKO INTRO Session or returning Uzume Taiko drum students. You can also book a private introductory session before enrolling in the BASIC DRILLLS sessions. 
NOTE: Students must have their own taiko drum sticks. If you do not have a pair, they are available for rent at the studio for a cost of $5.00 per pair per class.